Wednesday, June 06, 2007

6 June 2007

CRAZY......that's what this week has been. Crazy and amazing.

You all ready for this!.........

So, this whole time I've been in Prato we've, on occasion, gone to visit these two older ladies in our ward, the Sorelle Trevisan. They are old and are converts of about 30 years and just fun to go visit. One is the mother who's probably 85 and the other is the daughter who's probably 65 something, maybe older. Three weeks ago the niece, Elisa who's 26 years old (the mothers grandaughter of course) came to visit. She came to church with them and her little baby boy who's 6 months old named Daniel. We found out that she'd be staying for about 3 weeks and we talked to the Sorelle Trevisan at church and they wanted us to come over for a visit. We went and taught a first lesson to her and it went well and she seemed interested. She came to church again the next sunday and we went over after church and taught a second lesson. She would read the chapters we left for her and was so willing to do everything. This past Saturday we had interviews with President Rhien in Florence. He always asks how the work is going and we told him about this Elisa. We told him it was sad because she was heading home in a week. His advice to us was baptize her before she goes back home! We were suprised but it just made sense... why not baptize her before she goes home? We went to church the next day and the gospel priciples lesson was inspired. It was exactly on the subject of baptism and Elisa walked in with her baby about 5 minutes into the lesson. She had already read the manual the night before and was answering all the questions! So, we set an appointment again for that Sunday afternoon. We went and taught a third lesson. The spirit was amazing and we did it... we invited her to be baptized. She said "yes...that was my intention. We (her and her aunt and grandma) talked about it after church today." We were so excited! We told her that it was possible, if she wanted, to have the baptism on Friday before she leaves on Sunday. She said yep, that's what she wants. SO......... we've got a baptismal date set for this Friday the 8th. Since Sunday we've met with her everyday because we have to teach her all of the commandments before she's baptized. It's been incredibly easy though because her aunt and grandma are always sitting in on the lessons with us and most of the time have already explained everything to Elisa. We taught about the Word of Wisdom and she already knew about it and had stopped smoking on Sunday. We've checked up on her everday and hasn't smoked since. She's really incredible.

I really believe she is the elect that President Rhien talked about at our Zone Conference. They are the people who you don't have to beg to come to church...the people who read without being asked... and the people who just have the sincere desire to do what's right and follow Christ.

Pretty cool huh? I think so. We'll finish teaching her the commandments Thursday and she'll be baptized Friday night. We're in the thick of things trying to get the program all figured out and who'll baptize her and all that. It's been an incredible experience and to say that it's because of us missionaries that she's getting baptized would be bogus. I've come to learn more than ever how important members are in missionary work.

A lot of the time people think that missionaries are supposed to do it all... the finding and the teaching. But in Preach My Gospel, President Hinckley says something like... "anybody knows that in missionary work there is a better way....and that's through members." Of course finding works too, look at Rossella and Salvatore, but it's just better through members.

Speaking of Rossella and Salvatore....we had a visit with them yesterday. They are my favorites. I say that everytime but only because it's true! Unfortunately they haven't progressed very much in these days but we're so excited about this baptism because they are going to come! We taught them a little bit of the third lesson but didn't get to baptism because they always talk a lot and ask a lot of questions. Slowly but surely with them. I just feel so comfortable when we are there and the spirit is always there. Salvatore is such a jokester, I love his sense of humor! I wish you could all met them! One day!

Everything else is going good here in P-town. I've been getting a little sad knowing that in about 2 and a half weeks I'll probably be leaving! I'll have been here for 6 months. I was sitting in church last week and just looking around at all the members who I've come to love and respect so much...even the crazy ones...each ward has em! I love this work!

Thanks for your prayers and support. You don't know how much it helps!

Love you all and miss you!

Un baccione!

Sorella Boynton

p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE CASH!! 1 year old!!! I'll be home for your
2nd Birthday okay!!!

p.s. THANKS Titi, Aub, and Casey for the awesome package! You guys are
rad. I'll be writing you soon.

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