Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Few New Tunes

RADIOHEAD - Album: In Rainbows (Jan 2008)
The songs great...don't quite know about the video (it's someones animation vid that won a competition)...but the song gets two thumbs up.

Radiohead - Reckoner - by Clement Picon

(they're from Iceland) Album: med sud ieyrum vid spilum endalaust (June 2008)

listen to this song..."goobledigook"....another two thumbs way up.
I was tagged by aub

Instructions: go to your fourth picture file, post the fourth picture, and tag four friends.

The fourth picture in my fourth file is this:

This is a picture of a trip to Goblin Valley. I went with Steve, Shirley and Porter ( and maybe Jade? can't quite remember.) while I was living with them before going to Hawaii. Steve and I were climbing around the cliffs right above our campsite! I remember it was really windy that day and scared of getting blown off! Good times.

I tag...(no obligations) : )

Marg (maybe this will get her blogging again)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

TEMPLE SITE ANNOUNCED I was right, might I add!
more pictures from when I was there...

If you look near the top of the map in the center, you'll see an area labeled "Cinquina." From there, if you go down about a pinky width from "C" in Cinquina, just below the yellow line, that's where the temple site is. It amazes me how close it really is to all the famous sites in Rome. Where it says "Roma" on the map is where the famouse sites (colloseum, trevi fountain, spanish steps etc.) are located. Also notice the distance from the Vatican.
Now look at the bottom of the map. See where it says "Torre Spacata?" That's where I lived when I served in Rome!

View Larger Map

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Of the many bustling activities of this weekend, I'd have to admit the most exciting news was the announcement made by President Thomas S. Monson that Italy will finally get a temple of its own!
Many cheers followed and it was hard to keep back the tears thinking of what a blessing it will be to the wonderful saints of Italy!

On my first day in the mission field we got to visit the site that many call "the future temple site," although there has been no official statement saying that this is where the temple will be built, my bet is this that this is the place! (I'm not aware of any other huge piece of land the church owns in Rome.)

The Rome mission reunion brought many good friends to Provo. A few of us went to the Sunday afternoon session at the conference center in SLC. We tracked down the Italian sister assigned there and shared our excitement of the temple announcement!

( mission buds: Bertrand, Greer, Boynton, Terry, Olmstead)

(former comp: Olmstead and I)

(a whole slew of former Rome missionaries!)

(My first mission president and his wife: President and Sister Rhien! Some of the most incredible people I've ever met!)

And then it was off to the huge ranch near Fairview where Andy worked all summer, to relax and enjoy the Saturday sessions of conference. It was rainy and cold but absolute bliss.

Between sessions we went and took a stroll on the ranch.......

(Milo and Porter got to four-wheel out to the horses!)

(My good bud Stacie who I grew up with!)

Then we had some lunch.....

(after finishing his 5 veggies, Milo got to chow down on this bad boy, while.........)

(......... Elliot ate a big slab of ham.)

And then......

We, er...... "listened" to the afternoon session of conference!

Okay, so maybe I did fall asleep for 10 minutes...I guess we can be grateful for modern day technology which should have the transcripts ready within the week.

All jokes aside, I really enjoyed conference. I think it took my mission to finally realize just how lucky we are to have living prophets and apostles who stand at the head of the church; men and women who relay messages directly from the Lord. I know they do receive revelation for our day and that true happiness comes through faithfully following what they say.

my favorite time of the year...


Last weekend (before the snow set on the mountains!), we took a hike up to stewart falls. The colors were amazing as they always are up the canyon. How nice it is to live so close.