Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wednesday, December 13th, 2006

(Click on images to make them larger)

Me, Anziano Gibson, and Sorella Winslow at the RC.

We Sorelle joined in on "Humble Tie Day" with the Anziani!

We got busted by a spanish teacher so we only wore the ties for the pictures! he he.

Christmas lights at the MTC... not Temple Square but it'll do!

Contents of Ell's package!! Helps it feel more like Christmas!


Marg said...

IT is a little hard to read, but I got through it! YOu are right it is nice to see her writing. I miss CARRIE!!! And I dito the ell pacesetter comment- you have given us all a lot to live up to. YOu're great- Love ya ell! (why do you think we all started blogging?!)

Andy said...

Good thinking Ell. Why tire your wrists doing all that typing when you can just photo it. We could read it fine and loved seeing her writing.

I'd like to add my vote for best pace-setter. Love, Mom