A couple weekends ago we got to visit Grant's cabin in Colorado. Even though it rained for the majority of the weekend, we had a ton of fun with his family. We hiked, went to the hot springs, explored the area, and hung out at the cabin. Ouray is BEAUTIFUL!
The driveway to the Gebhard cabin

The Cabin

Hiking in the mountains with the fam

If you look hard enough, you can sort of see the town of Ouray back there in between the mountains. They call it "the Switzerland of America." It is a great little town nestled in the mountains and was a mining town back in the day.

Grant and Michael (little bro) sporting their matching sunglasses
(you can see some old mining remains in the back)
(you can see some old mining remains in the back)

After Grant's sister-in-law fell in the river, I decided to take the safe way back across, with a little help from his dad.

There were waterfalls literally everywhere we looked!

If you look REALLY close, you can see the cabin rooftop in the trees near the end of the river.

While the boys went mountain biking, the girls went exploring near the cabin.

Greta (sis), Annalisa (sis-in-law), me, Helen (mom)

And before we knew it, we were headed back to P-town.
Great sunset!
Great sunset!

Holy blogging batman.
We must go to that cabin with you guys. ASAP.
When does Grant officially leave? You must be squeezing in every second with him, because we haven't seen you in a while!
can i come to the cabin too? :) oh, it looks so beautiful.
i want to come too. it looks unreal.
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