Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Fond Farewell to a Friend -elliott smith

Grant, my best friend of 6 months, has been planning on doing an internship in Italy ever since he got back from his mission nearly two years ago. Last Friday, after taking the MCAT on Thursday, he took off for his great adventure! It was a sad day for me but I'm glad he gets to live in Siena, one of the greatest Tuscan jewels. Boy am I gonna miss you (and already do)!

But before he left we took one last trip to the place where we spent nearly every Friday afternoon skiing during winter semester...Sundance. It was absolutely gorgeous and extremely green.

Although it was threatening to rain, we hopped on my scooter and made it all the way up and back without a single drop of rain.

I took Grant to the airport at 4:00am Friday morning so that he could catch his 7:00am flight out. I drove back home and slept from 7:00am until I had to go to work at 1:00pm. Grant's awesome Mom and two sisters invited me to go to dinner that night. Afterward, I ate the most heavenly ice cream (black raspberry chocolate chunk) and watched a movie with his sisters, Greta (right) and Megan (left).

Needless to say...August can't come soon enough. In the meantime, you can check out his blog at (or hit the link on the side of my blog).


Jacquelyn said...

shut up! did you just cut your hair? I love, love, love it! it's so cute on you. And what a fun last little date before Grant left. Sundance is beautiful in the summer. Oh and thanks for the book, kyle is really excited to read it. thanks pal.

Jourdan said...

Have you ever noticed how most girls just about to be attached-for-life look more beautiful than ever? Maybe it's those crazy hormones we were talking about... but you are lookin' hot these days.

Love those pics!

Jenn said...

ah care, your hair is darling. i want to cut mine now. :)

g.ghepardo said...

I just have to say that I agree with Jourdan's comment...a lot