Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Aftermath

The semester ended, the wedding is history, Mexico was 80+ degrees, Ouray was 17 degrees, the Grand Junction reception was splendid, and we are finally getting settled into our basement just in time for Grant to focus on school, work, and skiing, and me on my internship.
But before any blogs are posted about those, I've got to rewind. I realized I never put any engagement photos up. So here's a sampling of the photos we didn't use at the reception. Thanks again to Jackie and Jourdan for the photo shoots!


Brianna said...

AHH you guys are the cutest! So sad I couldn't be there for the wedding! Hope life is treating you well!

N+C said...

cute pics. rewind a bit and then post wedding pics!!! we need wedding pics! we need wedding pics!!! oh and honeymoon pics!!!!
i'm being so demanding. ooppps.

Ellen said...

mmm. love that orange/red scarf. glad to see you're going to be posting. maybe it will inspire me too!

Shirley said...

So cute! Love the pictures! :) And we could see where we had our family wedding dinner in the background! Remember??? :) Can't wait to see you guys again... one day... ;)