I LOVE big cities and, therefore, LOVED New York City. Although the heat and humidity were rampant, Tom and I marched all over Manhattan...
We dreamed of ice skating during winter at the Rockefeller Center,
found Dave,

and took a rainy walk through Central Park.

We visited museums...

saw the skyline from the top of the Rockefeller building,

We walked from Battery Park to Brooklyn for pizza (Grimaldi's) and a concert (Animal Collective).

And yes, we even took some time out of our Sunday activities to go to church at the Lincoln Center and to see the temple.

Although we bought the cheapest tickets for In The Heights, the ushers told us we could sit in a closer section, so we did, and enjoyed it thoroughly. I gave it two thumbs WAY up.
Man, you had quite the adventure. I heart NYC and I can't wait to read your next post about Italia... (hint hint)
Keep that purple shirt in the family- traveling shirts are LUCKY i hear.
Can't wait for the next few posts on porsche-a
love the pictures! cute post. now hurry up with the italia story!!!
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