Sunday, July 26, 2009

Call of the Wild

We spent Pioneer Day weekend at Payson Lakes. Although it rained for the better part of Friday evening, we had a lot of fun cooking, taking walks, riding bikes, eating, singing, laughing, and everything else that camping entails.

Steam rising off of the glassy lake

The campsite, surrounded by beautiful pines.

Shirley getting ready to dig in...or on her way to feed Bailey.

Queen of camp cooking dinner in the rain.

Elliot, looking cute as always.

Porter, Milo, and Jade watching a chipmunk.

Steve on Bailey duty.

Jade looking adorable and keeping herself protected from the rain.

Going on a nature walk down to the lake.

Cousin love.
This was candid, I promise. I didn't say anything to the effect, "Okay, now give each other a big hug!" Uh, so maybe I did but was surprised when they actually did it!

Bailey sitting comfortably as we broke camp.

Luckily by morning the rain was gone and we were able to swim at the lake. Unfortunately, by that point, my camera battery had died and I missed out on getting pictures of the water trampoline contraption, which had the whole beach in laughter ( I think Jourdan got some photos of it but I don't know if she's going to post them). The trampoline was in the middle surrounded by a big inflatable rectangle on one end and a long inflatable cylinder on the other end. Everyone was entertained as people tried to run across the cylinder and into the lake without falling off and as people were catapulted off the rectangular blow-up by each another. Great weekend!

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