Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sisters From Sweden
My friend Jenn posted them on her blog and I couldn't resist. They are Klara & Johanna Söderberg and together they are First Aid Kit. This is actually a cover of the song called Tiger Mountain Peasant Song by a cool band from the Northwest called Fleet Foxes.
By the way, I think I'm quiting school....if you can't find me know that I'm gone with my guitar to the woods somewhere to write some sweet melodies.


Jenn said...

Don't you love their lady lumber-jack style? They're pretty cute.
btw, love the song of the day. :)

Aub said...

hey ya know when I was in sweden we were walking down the streets & there is always random people playing music and it is usually weird, but we stopped because two girls like those two were playing the pretiest music! I doubt it was actually them but it was so good and sounded like the first aid kit!

Klara said...

When was this? This is Klara from First Aid Kit and we did actually play

Klara said...

On the streets in Stockholm one time last summer, could have been us, haha...