Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Few New Tunes

RADIOHEAD - Album: In Rainbows (Jan 2008)
The songs great...don't quite know about the video (it's someones animation vid that won a competition)...but the song gets two thumbs up.

Radiohead - Reckoner - by Clement Picon

(they're from Iceland) Album: med sud ieyrum vid spilum endalaust (June 2008)

listen to this song..."goobledigook"....another two thumbs way up.


Aub said...

So, my hubby loves your kind of music - you two would get along pretty well - too bad we had to move so soon!
and thanks for responding to the tag that pic is awesome!

Lauren said...

MMmmm. yes that radiohead song is one of my favorites. It's fun to read your blog and hear how things are going! Super cute scooter too! (by the way)