Friday, April 25, 2008

Katy took this picture during our trip to Verona, summer 2004
We got a good kick out of it!

A Tribute to Italian Graffiti
...dedicated to cousin Katy :)

("Il punk non e musica." Punk isn't music)

Agreed. Not a huge fan of punk myself.

("Se domani Gesu tornasse sulla terra Ratzinger lo farebbe crocifiggere! No papa. No problema!")
This one is better left untranslated!

Obviously there's someone in Livorno who is anti-pope.

("Il papa fuma i joint." The pope smokes joint)

One of my personal favorites!

(Where is the happiness?)

Yeah, where IS the happiness?

(love is the law)

I guess...


Jenn said...

haha good good good. i love all these. And your Italian pictures are great!! Glad you are back.

Anonymous said...

How funny that they graffiti whole sentences! I'm used to just the weird signs that I'm not sure what they even mean. And really - if you're going to graffiti, at least make it look cool.
Fun to have you back Carrie! :)

Unknown said...

I love how you took pictures of all the graffiti. What a fun little collection you have. My personal favorite is the first. You know me... secretly swearing in my head when I get mad. I would have loved to see that one. Especially if I was mad. ha ha j/k And I love the mission pics. Oh and I loved the music video you sent me, Kyle and I laughed so hard.

Anonymous said...

Punk Music Rules!! Punks not Dead!!