Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mail/Packages for Sorella Boynton

Dear Missionary Family,

Recently we have received numerous packages for missionaries where the missionary has had to pay a customs fee to receive their package. Often the Italian government charges an importing fee of 25% or more of the value of the package. To avoid this fee we ask you to be cautious when writing in the value and contents of the package. A customs fee is charged if you declare $0 on the package or if you put a value higher than $50. There is also a fee if you insure the package. It is best to write a value somewhere between $10 and $40. In the description of contents we suggest you put “Missionary Supplies,” then list some of the contents such as candy, peanut butter or other food items. A large fee is often charged if the description of items says shoes, medication, cosmetics, soap, deodorant, creams, such as hand, foot or face cream.

We encourage you not to send expensive items. You might want to consider putting money in your missionary’s personal account so they can buy the items they need/want here in Italy . Another option is to send items that will fit in a padded envelope. (These very seldom have a customs fee) We discourage you from sending large packages. Because of the location of our missionaries and transportation it is sometimes difficult for us to deliver large packages to them.

Please share this information with other family members or friends who may be sending packages to your missionary.

Send letters to this address:
Name of Missionary
Italy Rome Mission
C.P. 11/282
00141 Roma, Italia

Send packages to this address:
Name of Missionary
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro, 20
00141 Roma, Italia

President Robert C. Rhien
Italy Rome Mission

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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