Hi all,
This is going to be quick because we've got to jet out of here to catch a train to Florence. We're going there for P-day! Yay!
This week was great, crazy, hard, pretty much a normal week in the mission! Last p-day we got to watch the pixar movie "cars". It was fun, we watched it at the church with our district.
Saturday was great, is was what we call a Zone Blitz. All the missionaries here from Prato (6), from Pistoia (2), and then the Florence missionaries all got together for a day of work in Florence. We met at the church at 10am and worked the entire morning. We went on exchanges so I was with one of the Florence sisters. It was fun but made me realize how I'm so lucky to have Sorella Roper as my trainer! She really is the best! I'm so grateful for her.
Anyway, then we went to the sisters apartment for lunch. Then headed out for the afternoon and went and did sondaggio (survey) right in the heart of florence, right by the duomo and in those cool streets. We then all meet at Piazza della Signoria and sang hymns in the piazza. It was really fun. We talked to this family about the church who were so amazing. They were catholic but it was cool to explain to them our church. The dad asked me what made our church different so that was a perfect set up. I talked to him about the restoration. It was awesome. Me and Sorella Roper went for a minute and walked by the uffizi and then looked at the ponte vecchio for a minute with the night lights reflecting in the river. Oh man, I love it. I can't believe that it was two years ago that me, mom, andy, and tom, were waiting in that forever long line to get into the uffizi! I would have never thought I'd be walking back through that piazza as a missionary! So that was a fun day on saturday.
We've been really busy lately. We had a great lesson with Nurshia. She doesn't understand why it's necessary to be baptized again. We had to explain to her the whole authority part of the restoration. When we told her that the authority was restored to Joseph Smith through John the baptist etc....she held her book of mormon up to her face and started laughing. Hey, you can't blame her though. It really is a...what's the word... amazing... I guess, story. But I know it's true and hopefully when we meet with her later this week we can really teach with the spirit so she can see and know that it's true. I'm excited.
Yesterday was crazy. We've been trying to contact this referral but she's never home. We had a lesson with our Russian investigator, titi. We taught a very visual lesson on the book of mormon. We just want to make sure she's understanding because her Italian isn't great. Meanwhile, the older Italian lady she lives with who has alzheimers, I think, keeps interrupting and saying the same things over and over. It's great though. We met with another investigator last night...an Italian lady, probably moms age. She's a heavy smoker but very intelligent. She wonders where God is in all the calamaties of the world. She barely let us get a word in edgewise but I'm excited to meet with her more. She's so ready for this gospel.
Things are going well here in little Prato. I'm learning new things everyday. I love the people here and am so grateful for them.
I love this gospel and know it's true.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Love, Sorella B.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Prato, Week 3
Another week come and gone here in Prato.
It's been raining here the past couple days, which isn't very fun to walk around in but we get by.
We usually get up and go running in the morning but this morning we decided not to because it was too windy and cold. So instead we sat on our beds and stretched : ) and talked for half an hour. It was a good rest. We have been running every morning so the rest was needed!
Last weeks events....
Thursday nights we teach an english class at the church. It's fun. We teach the intermediate class. Lots of good people, hopefully we can teach some of them the gospel!
Friday we do our weekly planning which takes all morning. Friday night we had an appointment with Nurshia and Anil at our new branch president, president Ianni's, house up in the mountains near Vaiano (maybe you know where that is dad.) It went well. It's so great to have a member there who can testify and help teach. We taught about prayer and how we pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ because Anil didn't know that. We also just talked about the godhead and thier relationship with each other and our relationship with them. Its was great. We'll meet with Nurshia and Anil again this week.
Saturday we met with a Russian lady who's living here in Prato taking care of a senile older italian. We left her with a russian book of mormon and she was so excited to see her russian language. We actuall went back last night and she had read over 120 pages in the book of mormon! We were like, what! Holy Cow. Her Italian isn't that great so it's a little hard to communicate with her. We tried to teach her that she should pray about the book to know if it's true. She started reciting this memorized prayer in russian and we just sort of sat there. She doesn't understand that she's got to say her own prayer. Anyways, we'll go back later this week.
Sunday, church. Church is great but always a little crazy. It's noisy and hard to concentrate but relief society and gospel principles are great. Renato invited us over for lunch next sunday so that'll be fun. Sunday night we met with the Diblasio family, probably a little younger than you, mom and dad, and have about 5 kids, some married, some Andy's age. They're great members. It was the best dinner ever. They have a real brick oven outside and so we got fresh, homemade pizza! Sorella Roper and I were in heaven and probably ate to much! But it was sooo good. We laughed so hard because they were trying to speak english. Anyway, we had a good lesson with them about missionary work and how it starts with our faith. I was able to give a portion of the lesson and share a scripture. It was a great night.
Oh yeah, we also taught Sabrina last Wed. We watched the restoration video with her and our relief society pres bore her testimony and everything. But Sabrina said that she hadn't felt the spirit. Yikes! So we kind of don't know what to do with her. She loves meeting with us but we don't know her motives. If she's happy with her church why is she meeting with us? We think it might be because we speak english and she likes to practice here english. So we've got to figure out her motives and if she really desires to find out about the true church.
Sorry if that was all a bit scatter-brained but I'm trying to hurry and write.
In all things are going good. I'm excited to work with our investigators this week and to help them progress.
Life is good, hard, but can't really complain.
Love you all and hope things are going well.
Sorella B.
It's been raining here the past couple days, which isn't very fun to walk around in but we get by.
We usually get up and go running in the morning but this morning we decided not to because it was too windy and cold. So instead we sat on our beds and stretched : ) and talked for half an hour. It was a good rest. We have been running every morning so the rest was needed!
Last weeks events....
Thursday nights we teach an english class at the church. It's fun. We teach the intermediate class. Lots of good people, hopefully we can teach some of them the gospel!
Friday we do our weekly planning which takes all morning. Friday night we had an appointment with Nurshia and Anil at our new branch president, president Ianni's, house up in the mountains near Vaiano (maybe you know where that is dad.) It went well. It's so great to have a member there who can testify and help teach. We taught about prayer and how we pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ because Anil didn't know that. We also just talked about the godhead and thier relationship with each other and our relationship with them. Its was great. We'll meet with Nurshia and Anil again this week.
Saturday we met with a Russian lady who's living here in Prato taking care of a senile older italian. We left her with a russian book of mormon and she was so excited to see her russian language. We actuall went back last night and she had read over 120 pages in the book of mormon! We were like, what! Holy Cow. Her Italian isn't that great so it's a little hard to communicate with her. We tried to teach her that she should pray about the book to know if it's true. She started reciting this memorized prayer in russian and we just sort of sat there. She doesn't understand that she's got to say her own prayer. Anyways, we'll go back later this week.
Sunday, church. Church is great but always a little crazy. It's noisy and hard to concentrate but relief society and gospel principles are great. Renato invited us over for lunch next sunday so that'll be fun. Sunday night we met with the Diblasio family, probably a little younger than you, mom and dad, and have about 5 kids, some married, some Andy's age. They're great members. It was the best dinner ever. They have a real brick oven outside and so we got fresh, homemade pizza! Sorella Roper and I were in heaven and probably ate to much! But it was sooo good. We laughed so hard because they were trying to speak english. Anyway, we had a good lesson with them about missionary work and how it starts with our faith. I was able to give a portion of the lesson and share a scripture. It was a great night.
Oh yeah, we also taught Sabrina last Wed. We watched the restoration video with her and our relief society pres bore her testimony and everything. But Sabrina said that she hadn't felt the spirit. Yikes! So we kind of don't know what to do with her. She loves meeting with us but we don't know her motives. If she's happy with her church why is she meeting with us? We think it might be because we speak english and she likes to practice here english. So we've got to figure out her motives and if she really desires to find out about the true church.
Sorry if that was all a bit scatter-brained but I'm trying to hurry and write.
In all things are going good. I'm excited to work with our investigators this week and to help them progress.
Life is good, hard, but can't really complain.
Love you all and hope things are going well.
Sorella B.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Prato, Week 2
Hi all,
Thanks for the emails marg, mom, and dad.
And Ell yours made me so mad because you cant just tell me there's "big news" and make me wait another week to find out what it is! Oh well, it'll give me something to look forward to at next weeks email session.
Thanks mom and dad for telling me about where the anziani and sorelle are. I bet sorella winslow is sooo happy because I think that's where she wanted to go!
Last Thursday we had Zone Conference in Florence. It was amazing. President and Sister Rhien are awesome. They gave amazing talks and trainings. I learned a lot. It's so wierd to think that Mom and Dad are just a couple cities up doing the same thing! I'm sure your conferences are just as amazing.
We met with our investigator Sabrina again and taught her about faith, repentance, baptism etc. She read some scriptures and we asked her what she thought they meant and she said that they meant she needs to follow Christ and be baptized. So we asked her what she thought about being baptized and she said she felt like she isn't ready. We're pretty sure she knows its true. She said she needs to stop going to her other church first. Today we have a lesson with her and also our relief society pres. will be there, so we'll see how it goes and hopefully she'll make it to church on sunday too.
The language is coming slowly but surely. I've made a goal to practice teaching this week so we prepare for our lessons and then practice them. I think it will help a lot.
Yesterday was sort of a crazy day. We had all these appointments lined up and house after house nobody was home. After lunch we went back out and still no one. So we knew we had a set appointment at 7. We still had some time so we started doing house. We went into a palazzo and started up at the 5th or whatever floor it was. About the 4th floor we rang and this lady answered the door. I introduced us and expected her to say the usual "non mi interessa" and shut the door but she listened and then invited us in. We were so happy and surprised because it's rare that this happens. So anyways, Sorella Roper pretty much taught a whole 1st to her about the restoration. This lady was catholic and said she would never change. But she accepted a book of mormon and really seemed interested. So that was the miracle of the day. I had the chance to bear my testimony in my broken italian but she understood and it was great. The spirit was definitely there. We spent so long there that we were late to our 7 o clock appointment. We ran (our morning runs pay off!) over to our next appointment and it was great. So after having a difficult morning and afternoon, the miracles came that night! The Lord's hand is so apparent in this work. I've heard missionary after missionary say that but now I can say it and know that it's true!
I can't think of anything else to write.
The works going good, hard, but I love it.
My address here in Prato is: Via Erbosa 114
59100 Prato Italy
Sorry forgot to include it last time.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
Tom- I'm waiting to hear about your christmas in Italy, you came to Prato? Cool. I want to hear about it.
Andy-I want to hear from you too! my long lost brother...
MAUD SQUAD- what's even going on?
Thanks for the emails marg, mom, and dad.
And Ell yours made me so mad because you cant just tell me there's "big news" and make me wait another week to find out what it is! Oh well, it'll give me something to look forward to at next weeks email session.
Thanks mom and dad for telling me about where the anziani and sorelle are. I bet sorella winslow is sooo happy because I think that's where she wanted to go!
Last Thursday we had Zone Conference in Florence. It was amazing. President and Sister Rhien are awesome. They gave amazing talks and trainings. I learned a lot. It's so wierd to think that Mom and Dad are just a couple cities up doing the same thing! I'm sure your conferences are just as amazing.
We met with our investigator Sabrina again and taught her about faith, repentance, baptism etc. She read some scriptures and we asked her what she thought they meant and she said that they meant she needs to follow Christ and be baptized. So we asked her what she thought about being baptized and she said she felt like she isn't ready. We're pretty sure she knows its true. She said she needs to stop going to her other church first. Today we have a lesson with her and also our relief society pres. will be there, so we'll see how it goes and hopefully she'll make it to church on sunday too.
The language is coming slowly but surely. I've made a goal to practice teaching this week so we prepare for our lessons and then practice them. I think it will help a lot.
Yesterday was sort of a crazy day. We had all these appointments lined up and house after house nobody was home. After lunch we went back out and still no one. So we knew we had a set appointment at 7. We still had some time so we started doing house. We went into a palazzo and started up at the 5th or whatever floor it was. About the 4th floor we rang and this lady answered the door. I introduced us and expected her to say the usual "non mi interessa" and shut the door but she listened and then invited us in. We were so happy and surprised because it's rare that this happens. So anyways, Sorella Roper pretty much taught a whole 1st to her about the restoration. This lady was catholic and said she would never change. But she accepted a book of mormon and really seemed interested. So that was the miracle of the day. I had the chance to bear my testimony in my broken italian but she understood and it was great. The spirit was definitely there. We spent so long there that we were late to our 7 o clock appointment. We ran (our morning runs pay off!) over to our next appointment and it was great. So after having a difficult morning and afternoon, the miracles came that night! The Lord's hand is so apparent in this work. I've heard missionary after missionary say that but now I can say it and know that it's true!
I can't think of anything else to write.
The works going good, hard, but I love it.
My address here in Prato is: Via Erbosa 114
59100 Prato Italy
Sorry forgot to include it last time.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
Tom- I'm waiting to hear about your christmas in Italy, you came to Prato? Cool. I want to hear about it.
Andy-I want to hear from you too! my long lost brother...
MAUD SQUAD- what's even going on?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
First Week in the Field!
(Ell's note: This was written as a letter to my parents)
Well, it's been a week since I last talked to you and Dad, you win the prize because my first city is Prato!
Here's what I can remember about the past week! It's been awesome, tiring, overwhelming, exciting, hard, and so many other things!
We flew into Rome Wednesday morning Italy time and the three of us started getting so nervous. We were waiting for our bags to come out of the baggage claim and we were all saying to each other, "What have we gotten ourselves into!" Anziano Ethington looked at the "uscita" or "way out" sign and said, "suddenly, that takes on a new meaning!" Haha.
We got our bags and Sister Rhien and the APs were waiting for us. Unfortunately President Rhien was in the hospital with a kidney stone so we didn't meet him till later. Poor guy!

We went on a tour of Rome with the APs. Saw St. Pauls, went to the Vatican, the Coliseum, some of the Roman Forum (it was getting dark) and then even made it over to the Trevi Fountains! WAY COOL! I hope I get to serve in Rome at some point!
We had dinner at the huge mission home and then finally got to go to bed around 8 or 9. I fell asleep in the middle of my prayer that night! hehe.
We woke up the next morning and went and did some permesso di soggiorno stuff and then also went over to the land that has been purchased for a temple some day! It was great and I can't wait for the day when there will be a temple there!
Then it was off to Prato. What an interesting place it is! There's Chinese people all over the place. Weird. And the accent cracks me up. Dad your probably familiar with it, they just don't pronounce their c's, it sounds weird but whatev.
We live in a beautiful apartment. I don't really know where it is yet cause I'm still pretty turned around.
I have the coolest trainer ever, Sorella Roper, from California.
She's been out a year and is such a good missionary. I've already learned so much from her. I'm really lucky! I don't remember much about my setting apart, but I do remember Pres. Olsen saying that I'd be blessed with "great" companions. So I'm coming to find out how true that is and am counting my blessings!
The work is going along here in Prato. We have a few investigators and then the other times when were not teaching them we visit less-actives, do casa in casa, or talk to people in the park or in giro.
The language is proving to be a trial for me but that's what I expected! Poor Sorella Roper has to do the majority of the talking in Italian and I just sit there. It's hard to get the courage to pipe in because I'm not sure if I've totally understood what's been said and I just don't want to ruin the lesson. But I'm sure it will come with time and also unfortunately with lots of mistakes! It's exciting though.
We've also had a few english lessons though. We are working with an Italian lady, Sabrina, who is awesome. She knows english and like to speak to us in english. So we taught her in the park because her aunts or someone don't like her to meet with us. We taught and then at the end she said the prayer. I guess it was the first time she prayed with the missionaries so Sorella Roper was sooo excited. I already have such a love for Sabrina and can't wait to keep meeting with her.
We are also meeting with a Pakistani couple, Nurshia and Anil. He's here working and she's pregnant and due in like July or something. But they also speak english so it's nice to be able to speak with them! We were trying to fulfill our daily contacting goal the other day and so we made some notes to deliver to people. We got to Nurshia and Anil's and it was so funny! Sorella Roper went down a couple steps to drop the note in their mailbox and then a man came out from another door. I had no idea but it was Anil! Sorella Roper tried to hide behind me but it didn't work out. He saw us and we tried to just leave the note but he insisted that we come in. We really didn't want to stay because we had already called them earlier and they said they were busy that night and so we didn't want to come off as not believeing them. Ha senso? Anyways, to make a long story short we ended up eating some really spicy rice and some pizza with them. We left them with a message. Sorella Roper felt so bad because she doesn't want to ruin it with them and we just felt like we might have overstepped our bounds. But I'm convinced it was for a reason. There were too many other little things that happened before that, like waiting for-ev-er for a bus, for it to have been a coincidence that he came out right then and caught us in the act. Cheesy but true.
There's been so many miracles that I've already seen here. We've been able (Well, I've been able to introduce us, and Sor. R. teaches) to teach many lessons at the door. Last night was incredible, there's people who are listening to us. It's just hard to get a return appointment is all!
So, life is good and I love being a missionary. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to serve. I'm constantly reminded of what a blessed life I have been given; sometimes it makes me sick!
I hope everything's going well with you all. Dad, I want to know where all the Anziani and Sorella Winslow and Sarsozo ended up so email me that! Oh also, I was at church on Sunday and a guy came up to me and said he knew you and Mom about 35 years ago, his name is Renato. I'm pretty sure I've heard you and mom talk about him before. He's the one who owned a restaurant in Florence right? Anyways, cool, I think he's going to have us over for dinner soon... so thanks for the hook-up! hehe.
Love you,

(Another note from Ell: Please scroll down to the next post for information on sending Sorella Boynton mail/packages. I will also update the address in the upper right hand corner of this blog and will continue to update it as I get new addresses for her throughout her mission, so watch that space! Unfortunately blogger won't let me put her address on separate lines, so I put hyphens where it should be a new line. Hope that makes sense!)
Well, it's been a week since I last talked to you and Dad, you win the prize because my first city is Prato!
Here's what I can remember about the past week! It's been awesome, tiring, overwhelming, exciting, hard, and so many other things!
We flew into Rome Wednesday morning Italy time and the three of us started getting so nervous. We were waiting for our bags to come out of the baggage claim and we were all saying to each other, "What have we gotten ourselves into!" Anziano Ethington looked at the "uscita" or "way out" sign and said, "suddenly, that takes on a new meaning!" Haha.
We got our bags and Sister Rhien and the APs were waiting for us. Unfortunately President Rhien was in the hospital with a kidney stone so we didn't meet him till later. Poor guy!

We went on a tour of Rome with the APs. Saw St. Pauls, went to the Vatican, the Coliseum, some of the Roman Forum (it was getting dark) and then even made it over to the Trevi Fountains! WAY COOL! I hope I get to serve in Rome at some point!
We had dinner at the huge mission home and then finally got to go to bed around 8 or 9. I fell asleep in the middle of my prayer that night! hehe.
We woke up the next morning and went and did some permesso di soggiorno stuff and then also went over to the land that has been purchased for a temple some day! It was great and I can't wait for the day when there will be a temple there!
Then it was off to Prato. What an interesting place it is! There's Chinese people all over the place. Weird. And the accent cracks me up. Dad your probably familiar with it, they just don't pronounce their c's, it sounds weird but whatev.
We live in a beautiful apartment. I don't really know where it is yet cause I'm still pretty turned around.
I have the coolest trainer ever, Sorella Roper, from California.

The work is going along here in Prato. We have a few investigators and then the other times when were not teaching them we visit less-actives, do casa in casa, or talk to people in the park or in giro.
The language is proving to be a trial for me but that's what I expected! Poor Sorella Roper has to do the majority of the talking in Italian and I just sit there. It's hard to get the courage to pipe in because I'm not sure if I've totally understood what's been said and I just don't want to ruin the lesson. But I'm sure it will come with time and also unfortunately with lots of mistakes! It's exciting though.
We've also had a few english lessons though. We are working with an Italian lady, Sabrina, who is awesome. She knows english and like to speak to us in english. So we taught her in the park because her aunts or someone don't like her to meet with us. We taught and then at the end she said the prayer. I guess it was the first time she prayed with the missionaries so Sorella Roper was sooo excited. I already have such a love for Sabrina and can't wait to keep meeting with her.
We are also meeting with a Pakistani couple, Nurshia and Anil. He's here working and she's pregnant and due in like July or something. But they also speak english so it's nice to be able to speak with them! We were trying to fulfill our daily contacting goal the other day and so we made some notes to deliver to people. We got to Nurshia and Anil's and it was so funny! Sorella Roper went down a couple steps to drop the note in their mailbox and then a man came out from another door. I had no idea but it was Anil! Sorella Roper tried to hide behind me but it didn't work out. He saw us and we tried to just leave the note but he insisted that we come in. We really didn't want to stay because we had already called them earlier and they said they were busy that night and so we didn't want to come off as not believeing them. Ha senso? Anyways, to make a long story short we ended up eating some really spicy rice and some pizza with them. We left them with a message. Sorella Roper felt so bad because she doesn't want to ruin it with them and we just felt like we might have overstepped our bounds. But I'm convinced it was for a reason. There were too many other little things that happened before that, like waiting for-ev-er for a bus, for it to have been a coincidence that he came out right then and caught us in the act. Cheesy but true.
There's been so many miracles that I've already seen here. We've been able (Well, I've been able to introduce us, and Sor. R. teaches) to teach many lessons at the door. Last night was incredible, there's people who are listening to us. It's just hard to get a return appointment is all!
So, life is good and I love being a missionary. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to serve. I'm constantly reminded of what a blessed life I have been given; sometimes it makes me sick!
I hope everything's going well with you all. Dad, I want to know where all the Anziani and Sorella Winslow and Sarsozo ended up so email me that! Oh also, I was at church on Sunday and a guy came up to me and said he knew you and Mom about 35 years ago, his name is Renato. I'm pretty sure I've heard you and mom talk about him before. He's the one who owned a restaurant in Florence right? Anyways, cool, I think he's going to have us over for dinner soon... so thanks for the hook-up! hehe.
Love you,

(Another note from Ell: Please scroll down to the next post for information on sending Sorella Boynton mail/packages. I will also update the address in the upper right hand corner of this blog and will continue to update it as I get new addresses for her throughout her mission, so watch that space! Unfortunately blogger won't let me put her address on separate lines, so I put hyphens where it should be a new line. Hope that makes sense!)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Mail/Packages for Sorella Boynton
Dear Missionary Family,
Recently we have received numerous packages for missionaries where the missionary has had to pay a customs fee to receive their package. Often the Italian government charges an importing fee of 25% or more of the value of the package. To avoid this fee we ask you to be cautious when writing in the value and contents of the package. A customs fee is charged if you declare $0 on the package or if you put a value higher than $50. There is also a fee if you insure the package. It is best to write a value somewhere between $10 and $40. In the description of contents we suggest you put “Missionary Supplies,” then list some of the contents such as candy, peanut butter or other food items. A large fee is often charged if the description of items says shoes, medication, cosmetics, soap, deodorant, creams, such as hand, foot or face cream.
We encourage you not to send expensive items. You might want to consider putting money in your missionary’s personal account so they can buy the items they need/want here in Italy . Another option is to send items that will fit in a padded envelope. (These very seldom have a customs fee) We discourage you from sending large packages. Because of the location of our missionaries and transportation it is sometimes difficult for us to deliver large packages to them.
Please share this information with other family members or friends who may be sending packages to your missionary.
Send letters to this address:
Name of Missionary
Italy Rome Mission
C.P. 11/282
00141 Roma, Italia
Send packages to this address:
Name of Missionary
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro, 20
00141 Roma, Italia
President Robert C. Rhien
Italy Rome Mission
Recently we have received numerous packages for missionaries where the missionary has had to pay a customs fee to receive their package. Often the Italian government charges an importing fee of 25% or more of the value of the package. To avoid this fee we ask you to be cautious when writing in the value and contents of the package. A customs fee is charged if you declare $0 on the package or if you put a value higher than $50. There is also a fee if you insure the package. It is best to write a value somewhere between $10 and $40. In the description of contents we suggest you put “Missionary Supplies,” then list some of the contents such as candy, peanut butter or other food items. A large fee is often charged if the description of items says shoes, medication, cosmetics, soap, deodorant, creams, such as hand, foot or face cream.
We encourage you not to send expensive items. You might want to consider putting money in your missionary’s personal account so they can buy the items they need/want here in Italy . Another option is to send items that will fit in a padded envelope. (These very seldom have a customs fee) We discourage you from sending large packages. Because of the location of our missionaries and transportation it is sometimes difficult for us to deliver large packages to them.
Please share this information with other family members or friends who may be sending packages to your missionary.
Send letters to this address:
Name of Missionary
Italy Rome Mission
C.P. 11/282
00141 Roma, Italia
Send packages to this address:
Name of Missionary
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Carnaro, 20
00141 Roma, Italia
President Robert C. Rhien
Italy Rome Mission
Monday, January 08, 2007
A letter from Carrie's Mission President
Dear President and Sister Boynton,
We are pleased to inform you that your daughter Carolyn is doing well in the Italy, Rome Mission. We met her at the Leonardo Da Vinci airport when she arrived, and Sister Rhien and I enjoyed getting acquainted with her during her brief stay at the mission home.
We are so thankful for her decision to serve the Lord as a full time missionary. This service is one of the noblest known to mankind. While missionary work is very rewarding, it is also very demanding and difficult. Written communication with family and friends can be a great source of support and encouragement. We encourage you to write her every week and she is counselled to do the same. Share her mission with her and you will grow together.
Missionaries receive 180 Euro (about $225) each month to buy food and other personal supplies. All other expenses are paid directly by the mission office. All of the missionaries who watch their personal expenses closely have sufficient to be comfortable. It is recommended that your daughter not receive more than she requires. If special circumstances occur, she should contact you to work out any adjustments (if you are supporting her financially). If hardships exist, I would appreciate being informed as soon as possible.
Sorella Boynton will have an amazing experience as she begins her mission, learning how to love the amazing Italian people, speak the beautiful language, and do this important work of the Lord. She will begin her mission in Prato and her first companion will be Sorella Roper. She is one of the best missionaries we have, so your daughter will be in good hands.
Sister Rhien and I wish to thank you for the opportunity of working with Sorella Boynton. I will interview her every six weeks, and we will do our best to love, encourage, and sustain her. If there is anything I should know that would assist me in helping her, please do not hesitate to advise me.
We appreciate you sustaining your daughter and thank you for not calling her directly. This will help her better concentrate on her work. If you need to contact her, you can call the mission office and we will be happy to help you. We know the Lord will bless you because of your daughter's missionary service. May this be a time of joy for your entire family as Sorella Boynton serves her Father in Heaven in the mission field.
Robert C. Rhien
Italy, Rome Mission President
We are pleased to inform you that your daughter Carolyn is doing well in the Italy, Rome Mission. We met her at the Leonardo Da Vinci airport when she arrived, and Sister Rhien and I enjoyed getting acquainted with her during her brief stay at the mission home.
We are so thankful for her decision to serve the Lord as a full time missionary. This service is one of the noblest known to mankind. While missionary work is very rewarding, it is also very demanding and difficult. Written communication with family and friends can be a great source of support and encouragement. We encourage you to write her every week and she is counselled to do the same. Share her mission with her and you will grow together.
Missionaries receive 180 Euro (about $225) each month to buy food and other personal supplies. All other expenses are paid directly by the mission office. All of the missionaries who watch their personal expenses closely have sufficient to be comfortable. It is recommended that your daughter not receive more than she requires. If special circumstances occur, she should contact you to work out any adjustments (if you are supporting her financially). If hardships exist, I would appreciate being informed as soon as possible.
Sorella Boynton will have an amazing experience as she begins her mission, learning how to love the amazing Italian people, speak the beautiful language, and do this important work of the Lord. She will begin her mission in Prato and her first companion will be Sorella Roper. She is one of the best missionaries we have, so your daughter will be in good hands.
Sister Rhien and I wish to thank you for the opportunity of working with Sorella Boynton. I will interview her every six weeks, and we will do our best to love, encourage, and sustain her. If there is anything I should know that would assist me in helping her, please do not hesitate to advise me.
We appreciate you sustaining your daughter and thank you for not calling her directly. This will help her better concentrate on her work. If you need to contact her, you can call the mission office and we will be happy to help you. We know the Lord will bless you because of your daughter's missionary service. May this be a time of joy for your entire family as Sorella Boynton serves her Father in Heaven in the mission field.
Robert C. Rhien
Italy, Rome Mission President
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Wednesday, December 27th, 2006
Buon Anno! Happy New Year!
How was everyone's Christmas? I hope everyone had a great time! I know it is not very...what is the word...polite? ... to thank everyone in a big letter but I thought I'd better do it just in case I run out of time to write individuals. So... THANK YOU everyone who sent me stuff for Christmas! I loved it all and had fun opening everything Christmas morning. Before I get into Christmas day I better back up a little.
Last Thursday was one of the best days here because we received our flight plans!! Yea!! I have to get up probably around 3 am because me and the other 2 elders going to Rome are leaving here at 4 am. EARLY! We fly to Chicago, wait there for a couple hours until the rest of our group (The Milano missionaries, including my comps) catches up, and then we are all on the same flight from Chicago to London, Heathrow airport. They'll all leave for Milano, the 3 of us will wait around another hour and then fly to Rome. So there you go. Imagine that, I get to be in 2 of my favorite cities, London and Rome (I know I've never been to Rome but I'm sure it'll be a favorite!) within the same day! I might not be awake and coherent but nonetheless...Exciting!! Uh, that's Tuesday the 2nd by the way. We are all so excited.
Sunday, Christmas Eve was just a normal Sunday. We had a good speaker in the relief society, Sister Madsen, mother of Mark Madsen for any NBA fans out there. (I heard that he isn't that good but his mom was excited that he got 9 minutes of playing time the other night. Whatev.) But talk about living a life really consecrated to others and the church. She told some awesome stories, we had some study time as usual and then sacrament meeting. I can't remember the fireside speaker so it must not have been that good! Scherzo.
Christmas morning we woke up at 6:30 as usual and went and had some breakfast and then opened presents till 9:30. All 5 of us Sorelle opened our gifts together, it was pretty fun. Then we went to a morning side. We watched a little movie thing of missionaries here at the MTC being interviewed on favorite traditions and what Christmas meant to them. Sort of cheesy if you ask me but I guess Id be hard pressed too for ideas to entertain 1,700 missionaries on Christmas morning. They gave all of us these stockings filled with donated stuff...things like floss, cotton swabs, some candy. we ate lunch and had lots of personal time where I just read Jesus The Christ. We had another devotional in the afternoon. Elder Callister of the seventy gave a deep doctrinal talk that half the audience fell asleep in. He went through the whole Christs birth story. I thought it was pretty interesting. Then we had a sack dinner, our zone got together and ate outside in the cold. It was fun though. We all told of our Christmas traditions...eating Christmas Eve dinner with Taylors, driving through the rich neighborhoods to look at lights, jumping on Mom and Dad in the morning, and an occasional hike up rock canyon on Christmas day. Good memories! There was yet another devotional from 7-9:30. A Choir from Mapleton came and sung and we also watched Mr. Kruegars Christmas. So, by the end of the night I was really glad to get out the building after having spent nearly 7 hours there! It was a good Christmas. I think we were all expecting an Apostle to come and visit us so that was a little disappointing. So Yep. That was Christmas. Definitely made me appreciate Christmas past and look forward to Christmas in the future.
Well, We've finished teaching all our lessons. This week we'll keep learning commandments from lesson 4 in Italian. We've been practicing talking to people on busses, and planes, and handing out Book of Mormons. I cant wait to do it for real in a week! It'll be a little intimidating at first but we learned to be bold last night so that's what I'll do!
So, this is the last letter from the MTC! Imagine that! I've survived 9 weeks here. Thanks for all your letters and prayers. I've learned so much here and cant wait to learn more in the field. My testimony has grown so much, I know it is all true. I'm so grateful for all of your wonderful examples and support. Now it is off to ITALY!
Love you all,
Sorella Boynton
How was everyone's Christmas? I hope everyone had a great time! I know it is not very...what is the word...polite? ... to thank everyone in a big letter but I thought I'd better do it just in case I run out of time to write individuals. So... THANK YOU everyone who sent me stuff for Christmas! I loved it all and had fun opening everything Christmas morning. Before I get into Christmas day I better back up a little.
Last Thursday was one of the best days here because we received our flight plans!! Yea!! I have to get up probably around 3 am because me and the other 2 elders going to Rome are leaving here at 4 am. EARLY! We fly to Chicago, wait there for a couple hours until the rest of our group (The Milano missionaries, including my comps) catches up, and then we are all on the same flight from Chicago to London, Heathrow airport. They'll all leave for Milano, the 3 of us will wait around another hour and then fly to Rome. So there you go. Imagine that, I get to be in 2 of my favorite cities, London and Rome (I know I've never been to Rome but I'm sure it'll be a favorite!) within the same day! I might not be awake and coherent but nonetheless...Exciting!! Uh, that's Tuesday the 2nd by the way. We are all so excited.
Sunday, Christmas Eve was just a normal Sunday. We had a good speaker in the relief society, Sister Madsen, mother of Mark Madsen for any NBA fans out there. (I heard that he isn't that good but his mom was excited that he got 9 minutes of playing time the other night. Whatev.) But talk about living a life really consecrated to others and the church. She told some awesome stories, we had some study time as usual and then sacrament meeting. I can't remember the fireside speaker so it must not have been that good! Scherzo.
Christmas morning we woke up at 6:30 as usual and went and had some breakfast and then opened presents till 9:30. All 5 of us Sorelle opened our gifts together, it was pretty fun. Then we went to a morning side. We watched a little movie thing of missionaries here at the MTC being interviewed on favorite traditions and what Christmas meant to them. Sort of cheesy if you ask me but I guess Id be hard pressed too for ideas to entertain 1,700 missionaries on Christmas morning. They gave all of us these stockings filled with donated stuff...things like floss, cotton swabs, some candy. we ate lunch and had lots of personal time where I just read Jesus The Christ. We had another devotional in the afternoon. Elder Callister of the seventy gave a deep doctrinal talk that half the audience fell asleep in. He went through the whole Christs birth story. I thought it was pretty interesting. Then we had a sack dinner, our zone got together and ate outside in the cold. It was fun though. We all told of our Christmas traditions...eating Christmas Eve dinner with Taylors, driving through the rich neighborhoods to look at lights, jumping on Mom and Dad in the morning, and an occasional hike up rock canyon on Christmas day. Good memories! There was yet another devotional from 7-9:30. A Choir from Mapleton came and sung and we also watched Mr. Kruegars Christmas. So, by the end of the night I was really glad to get out the building after having spent nearly 7 hours there! It was a good Christmas. I think we were all expecting an Apostle to come and visit us so that was a little disappointing. So Yep. That was Christmas. Definitely made me appreciate Christmas past and look forward to Christmas in the future.
Well, We've finished teaching all our lessons. This week we'll keep learning commandments from lesson 4 in Italian. We've been practicing talking to people on busses, and planes, and handing out Book of Mormons. I cant wait to do it for real in a week! It'll be a little intimidating at first but we learned to be bold last night so that's what I'll do!
So, this is the last letter from the MTC! Imagine that! I've survived 9 weeks here. Thanks for all your letters and prayers. I've learned so much here and cant wait to learn more in the field. My testimony has grown so much, I know it is all true. I'm so grateful for all of your wonderful examples and support. Now it is off to ITALY!
Love you all,
Sorella Boynton
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