Well, it's p-day and that means laundry and writing letters while we're waiting. We'll also go to the temple later this afternoon which will be great. I had a good time there last week as well.
I was going to bring my journal so that I could write about the last week thoroughly but I forgot so I'll just write what I remember.
The whole last week we pretty much just prepared to teach the 2nd lesson on the plan of salvation. We just study it lots and lots and practice teaching the seperate principles in class. When we teach, we don't use notes or anything so that's why we have to study it so much. We have to know it like the back of our hands, including good scriptures to use. So we taught the 2nd lesson on Monday. It went pretty well. One of my companions started giving commitments before we had taught the whole lesson so we sort of had to back track. She was mad at herself for that but it really wasn't a big deal. We just need to work on being more simple and direct in our teaching. Now this week we'll focus on the 3rd lesson.
Language study continues to go well. I haven't learned very much new stuff but I'm trying to study some more advanced stuff. Wow, that was a bad sentence. I really can't wait to teach the lessons in Italian... which will be in about 2 weeks! I've heard that Dale Bowman a.k.a. Ciccio Bomba volunteers so I'll teach him maybe! That would be rad.
What else? Yesterday was the devotional. Elder Robert S. Woods of the Seventy came and gave an awesome talk on happiness and giving everthing we have to the cause of the church. I love the devotionals. After we get in our districts and discuss our thoughts. One of our Branch Presidency counselors, Bro. Naccarato sat in with us. He's funny but a great guy. He made us read about how Lehi and the Nephi were all willing to give up all they had to follow the promptings of the spirit. That's the whole purpose of preach my gospel. I love it.
All of the missionaries that are leaving next week are soooo excited. They are they ones that are going to Milano and are excited to meet you Mom and Dad! It'll be funny to see what you think about them cause I've been around them a lot and think I have a pretty good idea of who the awesome ones are going to be and who might struggle a little. Pretty judgemental, but oh well. I sort of wish I was leaving with them! But I still have lots to learn and really am enjoying the learning here.

My companions are good. Sorella Sarsozo keeps me laughing. We were all playing pictionary and someone drew a dog. So she yelled out "weiner cane!" (cane is dog in Italian). Anyway, probably not funny to you but I guess you had to be there.
We are usually waiting on Sorella Winslow. She has to get her hair just right and eyebrows plucked before we leave. But it's all good. None of us fight or anything so that's a blessing.
My teacher Fratello Fife told us that there's going to be a stake made in Torino? That's so cool. That means Italy would be able to have a temple if I'm not mistaken! That got us all really excited because who knows, maybe we'll be there when they break grounds or something. Especially us Romans got excited because that's where the church has land for a temple. So good work, Dad!
Thanks for your letter Mom. Andy, Good luck with your widom teeth! Are you going to be awake or put out? Thanks cousin Katy, Steve, Jenn and Aub for your letters also. I'll try to get other letters out soon!
Also, Mom, if you wanted to make Fratello Fife's day, send me some duplos. You know, Kinder Duplo bars. He loves those and it would be cool if I could give him one straight from Italia! Send 12 or 13 if you want and I can give them to the district!

Anyway, that's all I can remember for now. Hope everything is going well with you all. I miss playing with little Milo and Elliot and talking to Rod and Jo all night. I miss calling Ell and Marg whenever I need. I miss seeing cute little Porter. Tom, hope your jeep's doing well. Did the zippy car mess ever get taken care of? What's Cash's latest new trick?
Love you all!
Sorella Boynton
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