Saturday, October 14, 2006

I've Had It!

The past couple days I've been seriously debating whether or not to keep working in the "L" hole that is the Thanksgiving Point Deli. It started out as an okay job but has quickly become a bad dream...and that's the nightmare of it all, it's not a dream, it's reality.

I wish I was more bold. That's something I would change about myself if I had the chance. But instead it's in my nature to please others, even if it means having people walk all over me. If I were more bold I wouldn't show up to work on Monday, like my fellow worker Jaylee did this past week.
My first day working I met Jaylee, who'd only been working for a couple days herself. She was a cute, hard working girl, not much different than myself. Starting last Saturday and throughout this whole week, even though she was scheduled, she didn't show up to work. My boss called her and she never called back. Yesterday, as I was getting yelled at for the third or fourth time by my boss in front of customers for making mistakes I did and DID NOT make that could have easily been handled in a more professional manor, I thought about Jaylee and how she'd had it, and haven't stopped thinking about what a SMART, BOLD move she made by quitting.

I've had it with my boss.
I can no longer handle the way she looks at me as if I'm retarded when I ask her a question. It makes me want to shrivel into a corner...or just stare back and say, "What are you gonna do about it, huh?" Her loud voice that yells across the deli so that all can here makes me cringe. Leaving the team during the busiest part of the day to take a smoke break and coming back smelling like smoke is a let down. As one of my fellow
normal employees said, "She makes it, like, 10 times more stressful than it already is."
And she wonders why she's had so many people not show up to work never to come back or quit after a month of working.

I've had it with a fellow employee.
I really think there's a medical problem in this one. I'm always nice to her but because she's been there for 3 years (gasp) she watches my every move and things have to be done her way. Not to mention her maturity level of a 5 year old (swatting ferociously at my hands when I was about to do something wrong).

There's only a few things that have kept me happy there.
1. The mexican workers downstairs that cook the hot food. They are nice and the hardest working people in the whole place.
2. The time when I turned around to get 3 bottled waters for a customer and I dropped one on the tile only to have it bounce all the way back up and land in between my thighs. I was laughing to myself about that for the rest of the day.
3. Visits from family members.

I started today thinking that this could be my last day of work. I thought it was a sign when a black guy with the coolest British accent (he's a 'regular' to the deli, so I'd talked to him before) came in and told us that he'd been thinking about something for a long time and he'd finally figured it out. He explained that when you're young you live by instinct because you have your whole life ahead of you and when you're older you live by wisdom because you've learned from the past and that makes one wise. I could see what he was saying and almost convinced myself right there to go with my gut instinct and not show up to work on Monday. I thought and thought throughout the day and remembered back to my American Heritage class and how we learned about opportunity cost. And that's what swayed my decision to stick with it. I might as well work one more week and earn some money to fix the zippy. Who knows, maybe that's why I got the job in the first pay for the broken zippy. MAN O MAN.

Since I have decided to endure my last week of work, all I can say is boss, you are LUCKY to have had me...

And if I had decided not to show up on Monday, it sure would have been fun to say,"Sure, I got one question for you. It's CAN YOU DEAL WITH THAT(with karate chop hand motions, of course!)

Consider myself vented...


Carrie B. said...

don't ask me why that last link doesn't work, it's supposed to go to, oh well

Andy said...

Carrie, I love you and am sorry you have had to deal with such abuse! I'm glad you can vent about it, though. One more week and you're off to your next adventure. Love, Mom

Jourdan said...

I've met the boss and I think I know which employee you are talking about Carrie... She's the only other employee that has been there since we've started going there. Kinda boyish and kinda annoying?

Well, good luck and good job for stickin' through it. Otherwise you'd have to spend all day with whining two-year old, boring mom and screaming baby! I guess we all choose our battles. :)

Ellen said...

Oh Care! I can feel your pain. I've worked with a lot of idiots over the years and wanted to give a few karate chops myself!

I'm glad you recognize that you're not the one with the problem. She is.

I think in a final show of "take THAT" you should report her to her supervisor. Surely she has one. Even if its the manager of Thanksgiving Point itself. On your last day, I would march in there and tell those folks that they've got a real "B" (pardon my language) working for them and that that's why they're losing employees. I would tell them every bad thing she does. In the end, it will make everyone happy. Think of it as a way of making future employees happy. I hope they fire her!

Carrie B. said...

I actually decided last week that I'm going to write a letter to whoever is over her. Even if they don't fire her (which they most likely won't anyways), I'll feel good because I'll feel like I have done my part to help liberate the other employees.