Hope everyone has a fun halloween! I remember this time last year I was just days from going into the MTC! Tomorrow is my 1 year mark on the mission, November 1st! Crazy how fast time has flown... seems like just yesterday that Jourdan was putting curlers in my hair to make me the best lion anyone has ever seen! And then when Tom walked in the door and saw me!... haha, that was the best! Anyways... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Wow, to tell the truth I don't really know where to start with this weeks email. Hope this comes out coherent...
I got all packed up last wednesday and left my beloved Livorno. Gosh that was a good city! My cool comps, Sister Olmstead and Sister Call took me to the train station and I boarded the train all by myself and headed to Rome. I finally got situated on the train in a compartment with just one other man. That's when it got hard and all my emotions started trippin me out! I cried a little because I was leaving one of the best transfers of my mission and was just overwhelmed of the situation that was ahead of me. Luckily I got to travel by myself so I had the whole 3 hour train ride to get it all out and think things through.
I got to Rome and met my new companion, Sister Harvey who had come from Firenze. She's amazing and full of faith and really hard working. We waited there for a while and then headed out with about 6 other missionaries who were also headed to the island, to a little city called Civitavecchia and got on the huge ship. We were on the boat from 7pm to about 10am the next morning. The boat was rocking all night and I didn't sleep well. I was glad to get off in the morning. We met the ZL's and headed up to my new little (big emphasis on little!) home of Oristano. Sardegna is a whole other world! I'm definitely not in Tuscany anymore! I think it's safe to say that I've served in about the three most ugly cities in the mission! Oristano takes the cake! Anyway, they showed us the apartment, which is really nice, and then they left and we unpacked a little and moved things around how we wanted it.
That same night, Friday night we met back up with the ZL's and had a meeting in the church with the branch president here, President Angius and his wife. They are amazing people and are about the only one's who haven't lost hope for the branch here in Oristano. They talked about the inactives and just the branch and what they hope we can do.
Church on sunday was so interesting and I couldn't tell whether I was so emotional because I felt sorry for these people or whether I was so impressed with they're faith and perserverance. Let me explain a little more... we showed up at church and found the relief society room. Refief society consisted of my companion and I, Sorella Angius, and then 2 africans... Patricia and her daugther who is my age, Zuma. Patricia was baptized a year and a half ago (she's lived here for 5 years about), and told her children who were still in Nigeria about the church. Zuma and her brother Aminu were baptized about 2 months ago in Nigeria and came here to Italy about 3 weeks ago. Allora, the 5 of us had relief society together, with us translating for Zuma. Then we had gospel principles... my companion sister Harvey taught the lesson on faith. This class consisted of the nigerians... Patricia, Zuma, Aminu, and their unbaptized brother Hussien. We are working with Hussien and his brother Asan because they have a baptisimal date of the 17th of November. In sacrament meeting there were 12 people, President and Sister Angius, the 1st counselor Fratello Ledda who's like 70 years old, the nigerians, and then one other couple who's sort of inactive, the Mulas. That's pretty much the branch of Oristano. Sister Harvery and I both gave about 10 minute testimonies, and then President Angius filled up the rest of the time. They are happy to have sisters here... they've said it's been about 10 or so years since there were sisters.
We have some people, inactives and other contacts that we have been trying to see this week and that we will continue to try to see. Everyday Sister Harvey and I just look at each other like, "holy cow, what the heck are we supposed to do!" We've already walked the whole city and are "racking our brains," (as Andy would say) trying to think of new approaches and ways that we can get inactives back and find new people to teach.
But we both really want to work hard and find a family to bring into the branch and get things rolling here. It's easy to be discouraged right now but somehow, probably through lots of faith and lots of prayer we'll begin to see some miracles... cause let me tell you they really need them here!
I hope this email doesn't seem like I'm down because I'm really not. I'm just a little overwhelmed and feel a lot of responsibility. But I'm so grateful for this opportunity. It's stretching me a lot and helping me to grow my faith. Any extra prayers are welcomed and know that I'm praying for all of you as well!
I love you all and am so greatful for this mission in my life. Big salute to cousin Katy who is finishing her mission soon!
Love ya,
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
24 October 2007
Hey Fam,
Okay I know you are all dying to know about transfers! haha, probably not but I'll tell you anyways because it's pretty darn cool.
Monday morning we got transfer calls from President Acerson. My comp, Sister Olmstead answered the phone and he told her that her and Sister Call would be staying here in Livorno and that I'd be going. I got on the phone with President and he told me that he had a special assignment for me. He said that he wanted me to go to the island of Sardegna and serve in the city of Oristano (get out your maps! It's on the coast smack dab in the middle of Sassari and Cagliari).

This past transfer there were 2 elders there, the zone leaders. But he's decided to switch it up and take the elders out and put sisters in; we'll be taking over their apartment. So... I'm headed to the island of Sardegna to open up the city of Oristano. CRAZY! As we call it in mission lingo... I'm getting "blown-in." My companion will be Sister Harvey who was serving in Florence who I don't really know at all; she's a young missionary and has been out only 2 transfers but is a good one. We'll be the first sister missionaries in Oristano in a long time, like 20 years or so!
So I was pretty much freaking out Monday thinking of the crazyness of the transfer! I was feeling a little overwhelmed thinking about opening the city but those feelings have subsided (i'm sure they'll be back when I get out there!) and now I'm just feeling really excited for this new adventure that the Lord is trusting me and blessing me with.
I have no clue what Oristano is like. The only thing I know is that when I ask people if they know anything about it, they get a funny face, look at me like "good luck, you're gonna need it," and say "all I know is that the branch is really, really small." "There's like, 6 members," was my favorite response! Oh, I've gotten some good reactions! Looks like we've got our work cut out for us!
I'm heading out tomorrow morning, going to Rome and then out from there. I'll take a big old boat all night and then travel on up and try to find out where in the world our apartment is, the church is etc. etc. I've always loved adventures!!
I'm sad to be leaving Livorno and the awesome people here. But it's been great, especially this last transfer in my awesome three-some. My two comps are staying here and will miss me (haha) but I'm sure they'll survive! : ) That's the big news for the week. I letter get going because I haven't even started packing yet.
Hope everything's going good back home and I'll try to write people letters as soon as possible!
Love you guys!
Love care
Okay I know you are all dying to know about transfers! haha, probably not but I'll tell you anyways because it's pretty darn cool.
Monday morning we got transfer calls from President Acerson. My comp, Sister Olmstead answered the phone and he told her that her and Sister Call would be staying here in Livorno and that I'd be going. I got on the phone with President and he told me that he had a special assignment for me. He said that he wanted me to go to the island of Sardegna and serve in the city of Oristano (get out your maps! It's on the coast smack dab in the middle of Sassari and Cagliari).

This past transfer there were 2 elders there, the zone leaders. But he's decided to switch it up and take the elders out and put sisters in; we'll be taking over their apartment. So... I'm headed to the island of Sardegna to open up the city of Oristano. CRAZY! As we call it in mission lingo... I'm getting "blown-in." My companion will be Sister Harvey who was serving in Florence who I don't really know at all; she's a young missionary and has been out only 2 transfers but is a good one. We'll be the first sister missionaries in Oristano in a long time, like 20 years or so!
So I was pretty much freaking out Monday thinking of the crazyness of the transfer! I was feeling a little overwhelmed thinking about opening the city but those feelings have subsided (i'm sure they'll be back when I get out there!) and now I'm just feeling really excited for this new adventure that the Lord is trusting me and blessing me with.
I have no clue what Oristano is like. The only thing I know is that when I ask people if they know anything about it, they get a funny face, look at me like "good luck, you're gonna need it," and say "all I know is that the branch is really, really small." "There's like, 6 members," was my favorite response! Oh, I've gotten some good reactions! Looks like we've got our work cut out for us!
I'm heading out tomorrow morning, going to Rome and then out from there. I'll take a big old boat all night and then travel on up and try to find out where in the world our apartment is, the church is etc. etc. I've always loved adventures!!
I'm sad to be leaving Livorno and the awesome people here. But it's been great, especially this last transfer in my awesome three-some. My two comps are staying here and will miss me (haha) but I'm sure they'll survive! : ) That's the big news for the week. I letter get going because I haven't even started packing yet.
Hope everything's going good back home and I'll try to write people letters as soon as possible!
Love you guys!
Love care
Thursday, October 18, 2007
17 October 2007
Good times this week... but first, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS!!! Tom, Andy, Milo, Jade and anybody else who's celebratin!
Yesterday we decided to have an adventure for p-day so today we headed out to Lucca...a cool little old Italian city. It was just our three-some Sorella Call, Sorella Olmstead, and I. We had a blast! We saw some old churches and went up onto a tower to see the view of the city and ate some good food. It was an absolutely gorgeous day!
The rest of the week was pretty normal and great. We're still working with all of our people who are just moving along slowly but surely. Piano piano.
Sunday there was another baptism here in Livorno of the coolest Romanian guys that the elder's have been teaching, named Giuliano. He's incredible and the baptism was really great. We had an Romanian investigator there and she liked it a lot. Also Jantina came to the baptism and she was so excited to be there she just had all of the good feelings of her baptism come back! I love that woman!
Monday we got word that President Acerson was coming to our apartment for interviews this time around! Usually we go up to Pisa and meet him in the church there but the zone leaders called and said he was coming around to apartments. Needless to say... we hurried and cleaned up the apartment and then had interviews in our apartment, sitting at our study desks with President Acerson! I love President Acerson! He's such a humble guy and just has a sincere desire to always do his best. Interviews were really good. He looked real tired so we sent him out with some snickerdoodles that we made for him! Hopefully that kept him awake for his drive to wherever he was headed next. It was funny because he totally reminded me of Dad because he was talking about how the sisters in the mission always have transfers figured out even before he does! haha. Remember that dad! He said he saw how they figure things out and said, that's not even how I do it!" Good thing none of my comps really get to into "transfer predictions." But speaking of transfers... they are coming up once again next week. I've been here in Livorno for 3 transfers now and would LOVE to be able to stay here. Livorno is great. The work is great, the members are amazing, and awesome companions like I have right now are a major bonus! But chances are I'm out so I'll let you all know next email if I get transferred and where I'll be headed if that's the case.
Life is good and I'm grateful for this amazing opportunity!
Love you all,
Sorella B.
Yesterday we decided to have an adventure for p-day so today we headed out to Lucca...a cool little old Italian city. It was just our three-some Sorella Call, Sorella Olmstead, and I. We had a blast! We saw some old churches and went up onto a tower to see the view of the city and ate some good food. It was an absolutely gorgeous day!
The rest of the week was pretty normal and great. We're still working with all of our people who are just moving along slowly but surely. Piano piano.
Sunday there was another baptism here in Livorno of the coolest Romanian guys that the elder's have been teaching, named Giuliano. He's incredible and the baptism was really great. We had an Romanian investigator there and she liked it a lot. Also Jantina came to the baptism and she was so excited to be there she just had all of the good feelings of her baptism come back! I love that woman!
Monday we got word that President Acerson was coming to our apartment for interviews this time around! Usually we go up to Pisa and meet him in the church there but the zone leaders called and said he was coming around to apartments. Needless to say... we hurried and cleaned up the apartment and then had interviews in our apartment, sitting at our study desks with President Acerson! I love President Acerson! He's such a humble guy and just has a sincere desire to always do his best. Interviews were really good. He looked real tired so we sent him out with some snickerdoodles that we made for him! Hopefully that kept him awake for his drive to wherever he was headed next. It was funny because he totally reminded me of Dad because he was talking about how the sisters in the mission always have transfers figured out even before he does! haha. Remember that dad! He said he saw how they figure things out and said, that's not even how I do it!" Good thing none of my comps really get to into "transfer predictions." But speaking of transfers... they are coming up once again next week. I've been here in Livorno for 3 transfers now and would LOVE to be able to stay here. Livorno is great. The work is great, the members are amazing, and awesome companions like I have right now are a major bonus! But chances are I'm out so I'll let you all know next email if I get transferred and where I'll be headed if that's the case.
Life is good and I'm grateful for this amazing opportunity!
Love you all,
Sorella B.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
10 Oct 2007
It was a great week we had here in bella Italia. Thursday was a little rough with appointments falling through because people are getting sick due to the change in weather. It's turning into fall here! My favorite season is on the way! So we got to do some finding work which I've always liked doing anyways.
Friday was a great day full of programming for the week, a few appointments with cool members and some house, knocking doors.
Saturday and Sunday were filled with conference! A cool story...
So we have been trying to get Jantina to start her family history right? She was so excited and had her brother send down a bunch of papers and information about her family. At this same time, this weekend, we were trying to figure out how we were going to get her up to Pisa for general conference (we all have to go to pisa to receive the satellite broadcast). Either members were staying and watching it at home on their internets or they just didn't have room in the car. But, this brilliant inspiration came and we decided to ask the single lady who's in charge of family history work for the branch, if she could take Jantina on Saturday for the RS General Session. So... we called her and she said she just needed some help clearing out her car (cause she's in the middle of moving) and then there would be abbastanza space in the car for all of us to go together. Saturday morning we did a little service and helped her clean her car out and then had it all perfectly set up so that we'd drive together to Pisa (about a 25 minute ride from Livorno), and they could just talk about family history work together! And the miracle is, is that it happened just like that! We all drove together and I told them to talk about family history work and they did! haha. So Jantina and Elena (fam history lady) got talking and set up a time to meet in the church to start Jantina on her family history! Yesterday was the big day... We met at the church and Jantina got started on her family history! So cool to sit there and watch her do it! Anyway... Conference... so many wonderful talks given! So many goals I have made not only for now on the mission but also for after the mission as well. Sis. Beck was pretty bold and blunt about how the importance of mothers and families! Mamma mia! I really enjoyed them all. We have yet to see that last session of conference but hope to be able to soon.
Besides the conference days, yesterday was my favorite day of the week. Nothing really special happened but just tons of little things that made me so happy. For example... little things like talking to the old bar man about all of his soccer pictures that were hanging up all over the bar while one of my comps was in the bathroom... noticing an old Italian man making something in a little dark room on the side of the street (so cool! We went over and talked to him and he was making a big old fishing net! He showed us how to do it and showed us how it was used to catch the fish.)... having Jantina do family history... teaching English class to our huge class of like 20 people and having them actually have fun... me doing the little spiritual thought at the end of English class to 30+ people (preaching to the masses!) and introducing the Book of Mormon to them all... and then finding out at family night that one of our new investigators who's named Rita and from Peru and who we found in the park randomly, is actually related to Carla Gomero (the intactive we've been working with!) Crazy... just lots of cool little things!
The mission is incredible and filled with so many cool experiences. I'm grateful to be out here right now and I'm having one of the best times of my life! As always, thanks for everything.
Love you all,
Sorella Boynton
It was a great week we had here in bella Italia. Thursday was a little rough with appointments falling through because people are getting sick due to the change in weather. It's turning into fall here! My favorite season is on the way! So we got to do some finding work which I've always liked doing anyways.
Friday was a great day full of programming for the week, a few appointments with cool members and some house, knocking doors.
Saturday and Sunday were filled with conference! A cool story...
So we have been trying to get Jantina to start her family history right? She was so excited and had her brother send down a bunch of papers and information about her family. At this same time, this weekend, we were trying to figure out how we were going to get her up to Pisa for general conference (we all have to go to pisa to receive the satellite broadcast). Either members were staying and watching it at home on their internets or they just didn't have room in the car. But, this brilliant inspiration came and we decided to ask the single lady who's in charge of family history work for the branch, if she could take Jantina on Saturday for the RS General Session. So... we called her and she said she just needed some help clearing out her car (cause she's in the middle of moving) and then there would be abbastanza space in the car for all of us to go together. Saturday morning we did a little service and helped her clean her car out and then had it all perfectly set up so that we'd drive together to Pisa (about a 25 minute ride from Livorno), and they could just talk about family history work together! And the miracle is, is that it happened just like that! We all drove together and I told them to talk about family history work and they did! haha. So Jantina and Elena (fam history lady) got talking and set up a time to meet in the church to start Jantina on her family history! Yesterday was the big day... We met at the church and Jantina got started on her family history! So cool to sit there and watch her do it! Anyway... Conference... so many wonderful talks given! So many goals I have made not only for now on the mission but also for after the mission as well. Sis. Beck was pretty bold and blunt about how the importance of mothers and families! Mamma mia! I really enjoyed them all. We have yet to see that last session of conference but hope to be able to soon.
Besides the conference days, yesterday was my favorite day of the week. Nothing really special happened but just tons of little things that made me so happy. For example... little things like talking to the old bar man about all of his soccer pictures that were hanging up all over the bar while one of my comps was in the bathroom... noticing an old Italian man making something in a little dark room on the side of the street (so cool! We went over and talked to him and he was making a big old fishing net! He showed us how to do it and showed us how it was used to catch the fish.)... having Jantina do family history... teaching English class to our huge class of like 20 people and having them actually have fun... me doing the little spiritual thought at the end of English class to 30+ people (preaching to the masses!) and introducing the Book of Mormon to them all... and then finding out at family night that one of our new investigators who's named Rita and from Peru and who we found in the park randomly, is actually related to Carla Gomero (the intactive we've been working with!) Crazy... just lots of cool little things!
The mission is incredible and filled with so many cool experiences. I'm grateful to be out here right now and I'm having one of the best times of my life! As always, thanks for everything.
Love you all,
Sorella Boynton
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
3 Oct 2007
Hey fam and friends!
What an awesome week it has been! We've been able to meet with tons of people and the Lord is blessing us so much with lots of good work here in Livorno, or Leghorn, as they say it in English! The threesome is alive and well! Thursday was such a miracle day. Out of all the days of the week, Thursday is the day where we don't have anything going on like weekly planning or English class. So they can be really long. But this week we had 5 appointments and non of them fell through, which is really pretty amazing. We met with some of our inactives...Marlene and Angela. They are both coming along. I have been so incredibly impressed with the inactives we have been working with because they have pretty much all been coming to church every week this past transfer and a half. It's amazing. The other three appointments were with investigators... Svieta the Russian, Miriam from Peru, and then one of our favorite Italians ever, Antonella. We continue to work with Svieta...I think she just needs a little time and she'll come around. Miriam is INCREDIBLE and the only thing that's stopping her from progressing is just being so busy that it's hard to meet with us. But we had a good appointment and were also able to set up another one with her for this Saturday so we're excited for that. Antonella is amazing but she told us as we were about to watch the restoration video that she really liked us and loves how we've helped her but she's just happy living her perfect catholic life and she said she'd never change. That was a little blow but we'll keep in contact with her so that when that time comes where the catholic church just doesn't cut it for her anymore, she'll have us to fall back on. So Thursday was really full and we came home happy and tired!
Friday we got to go to Firenze for zone conference. It was really great, as they always are. The things that were discussed were nothing new but I really learned a lot through putting the teachings of Elder Scott (those about writing down promptings and impressions) into practice. The spirit is amazing if we'll just let it work with us! Saturday we had an appointment with our other inactive Carla Gomero. She's a 24 year old Peruvian who we've been working with all summer. She's been busy studying so she wouldn't come to church. But the best was when she finally showed up to church on Sunday! Yay! Hopefully she'll fall back into the habit of coming every week. Sunday was CRAZYness. My head was spinning by the end of church. The Eubanks, and American couple who just moved here, came to church and so I had to translate for them, which always takes more concentration and brain power! Then, we don't have a gospel doctrine teacher right now, so I taught the gospel principles lesson. It was crazy because I had it all prepared in Italian. But at the beginning of the class the only people were us missionaries, the Eubanks, and an African investigator of the elders who spoke English. So I started in English, then Jantina came, the Carla Gomero, then Giuliano, a Romanian investigator of the elders who will be baptized in 2 weeks. So, one of the elders then translated the rest into Italian. It was crazy calling on people to read scriptures and having them read in English, then Italian etc. CRAZY. It all worked out though and the lesson went well. It was on prophets, their role, our role in sustaining them, and then I just tied it into how we'll have general conference and how we can prepare for that. The funniest part was that the ONLY Italian in the class was one of the elders who's from Catania. We had us Americans, Jantina from Holland, Carla from Peru, and Giuliano from Romania! Italy is truly a big old melting pot and I love it! Then we got to go home for lunch and celebrate Sor. Olmsteads birthday with the good eggplant lasagna and fruit tiramisu that I made! Yum! Monday and Tuesday were great with some appointments and then English class. We have so many students! In prato we only had about 5 students but here in Livorno, you say the word, "gratuito" (free) and the people come runnin! It's fun stuff.
We've got some cool people we are meeting with this week for the first time so hopefully we can make them into investigators and help em out.This work is incredible and I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to be here in Italy, with awesome people, sharing the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Plus, it's all in Italian and that just smacks on an extra 10 gold stars!
Allora, vi saluto, vi ringrazio di tutto quello che fate per me! Grazie per le preghiere per conto mio. Buona settimana, specialmente durante questa grande opportunita di sentire dai nostri dirigenti della chiesa alla conferenza generale! Vi voglio un sacco di bene!
(Here's my limited translation: Well, thanks for all you do for me! Thanks for all the prayers on my behalf. Have a great week, especially during this great opportunity we have to learn from our church leaders during General Conference!)
Love ya,
Sorella Boynton
What an awesome week it has been! We've been able to meet with tons of people and the Lord is blessing us so much with lots of good work here in Livorno, or Leghorn, as they say it in English! The threesome is alive and well! Thursday was such a miracle day. Out of all the days of the week, Thursday is the day where we don't have anything going on like weekly planning or English class. So they can be really long. But this week we had 5 appointments and non of them fell through, which is really pretty amazing. We met with some of our inactives...Marlene and Angela. They are both coming along. I have been so incredibly impressed with the inactives we have been working with because they have pretty much all been coming to church every week this past transfer and a half. It's amazing. The other three appointments were with investigators... Svieta the Russian, Miriam from Peru, and then one of our favorite Italians ever, Antonella. We continue to work with Svieta...I think she just needs a little time and she'll come around. Miriam is INCREDIBLE and the only thing that's stopping her from progressing is just being so busy that it's hard to meet with us. But we had a good appointment and were also able to set up another one with her for this Saturday so we're excited for that. Antonella is amazing but she told us as we were about to watch the restoration video that she really liked us and loves how we've helped her but she's just happy living her perfect catholic life and she said she'd never change. That was a little blow but we'll keep in contact with her so that when that time comes where the catholic church just doesn't cut it for her anymore, she'll have us to fall back on. So Thursday was really full and we came home happy and tired!
Friday we got to go to Firenze for zone conference. It was really great, as they always are. The things that were discussed were nothing new but I really learned a lot through putting the teachings of Elder Scott (those about writing down promptings and impressions) into practice. The spirit is amazing if we'll just let it work with us! Saturday we had an appointment with our other inactive Carla Gomero. She's a 24 year old Peruvian who we've been working with all summer. She's been busy studying so she wouldn't come to church. But the best was when she finally showed up to church on Sunday! Yay! Hopefully she'll fall back into the habit of coming every week. Sunday was CRAZYness. My head was spinning by the end of church. The Eubanks, and American couple who just moved here, came to church and so I had to translate for them, which always takes more concentration and brain power! Then, we don't have a gospel doctrine teacher right now, so I taught the gospel principles lesson. It was crazy because I had it all prepared in Italian. But at the beginning of the class the only people were us missionaries, the Eubanks, and an African investigator of the elders who spoke English. So I started in English, then Jantina came, the Carla Gomero, then Giuliano, a Romanian investigator of the elders who will be baptized in 2 weeks. So, one of the elders then translated the rest into Italian. It was crazy calling on people to read scriptures and having them read in English, then Italian etc. CRAZY. It all worked out though and the lesson went well. It was on prophets, their role, our role in sustaining them, and then I just tied it into how we'll have general conference and how we can prepare for that. The funniest part was that the ONLY Italian in the class was one of the elders who's from Catania. We had us Americans, Jantina from Holland, Carla from Peru, and Giuliano from Romania! Italy is truly a big old melting pot and I love it! Then we got to go home for lunch and celebrate Sor. Olmsteads birthday with the good eggplant lasagna and fruit tiramisu that I made! Yum! Monday and Tuesday were great with some appointments and then English class. We have so many students! In prato we only had about 5 students but here in Livorno, you say the word, "gratuito" (free) and the people come runnin! It's fun stuff.
We've got some cool people we are meeting with this week for the first time so hopefully we can make them into investigators and help em out.This work is incredible and I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world to be here in Italy, with awesome people, sharing the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Plus, it's all in Italian and that just smacks on an extra 10 gold stars!
Allora, vi saluto, vi ringrazio di tutto quello che fate per me! Grazie per le preghiere per conto mio. Buona settimana, specialmente durante questa grande opportunita di sentire dai nostri dirigenti della chiesa alla conferenza generale! Vi voglio un sacco di bene!
(Here's my limited translation: Well, thanks for all you do for me! Thanks for all the prayers on my behalf. Have a great week, especially during this great opportunity we have to learn from our church leaders during General Conference!)
Love ya,
Sorella Boynton
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