Discovery of the Day: One of my favorite things about being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the idea of temples. I decided that today as I was doing baptisms in the Laie, Hawaii temple. I think even if I wasn't a member of the church, I would enjoy making a quick stop and taking a moment to look at these beautiful buildings which can be found in many different places throughout the world. Most of them are surrounded by well-kempt grounds which make for a great stroll. Being able to go inside is very rewarding, in more ways than one. Aside from the events that take place inside, I also love looking around at the interior of the temples. Each one is unique, especially the older ones.
I got to do baptisms while I was in London on my study abroad program during the fall of 2004 (gosh it seems like just yesterday). A group of us took a train to the area and then had to bum a ride to get to the actual temple. Turns out the temple worker who picked us up knew my brother who had served his mission in that area several months before. What are the chances! I loved that temple

trip. Good experience, good times.
Utah is chuck full of temples; I've been to many of them. I've also visited others in Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, and now Hawaii! I can't wait to be able to go through the whole temple in a few weeks! Unfortunately there is no temple in my mission in Rome, or in all of Italy for that matter, the members have to go to up to Switzerland. My guess is that there's one in the works for Italy!